How to Add Custom Text Labels to Sierrachart DOM

  1. Open a Trading DOM or open a Chartbook with a Trading DOM
  2. Select the DOM then Click Trade – Customize Chart/Trade DOM Columns
  3. Select Label Column and click the arrow to add it to your DOM. You can arrange the Label Column’s position by clicking the Move Up/Down buttons.
  4. Click Analysis – Studies and add a Line to the Studies. The Settings dialog will come up automatically. Change the Value Format to Inherited and the Chart Region to 1 the click Apply
  5. In the Value field, specify the Label’s price. You can use the instrument’s native price format – Sierra will automatically convert it to decimals
  6. On the Subgraphs tab select the line, change its color and set its drawing style to Text
  7. Type your text to the Short Name field then click Name Label and set Horizontal Align to Label Column
  8. The easiest way to add further Lines/Labels is to duplicate the existing ones.
  9. You can easily display Labels on the Chart DOM as well using the exact same steps.

Last updated: December 12, 2023 at 8:54 am

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